Kingsbrook Animal Hospital's Blog: Jake's Broken Tooth!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jake's Broken Tooth!

Hi Everybody!  My name is Jake.  I am an exceptionally adorable 11 week old german shepherd puppy.  My Daddy took me to the hospital because I was having diarrhea, and while I was being examined, Dr. Kim noticed that one of my baby canine teeth was broken in half! (Daddy told on me and led Dr. Kim know about how I love to chew - on everything!)  You can see in my pictures how far the dental probe goes in.  The pulp (where the blood and nerves of my teeth are) of my tooth is exposed.  Melissa told me that human kids with cavities in their baby teeth can get very grumpy because it hurts!  She said that broken teeth in puppies can not only be painful, but that they can be a source of infection that could affect my other baby teeth or even my adult teeth as they are developing.  

Thanks to Dr. Kim's discovery, I was able to have this broken tooth surgically extracted.  Dr. Kim said that extracting a baby tooth is very delicate and tedious work because it is important not to damage developing adult teeth that are still under the gumline.  I feel much better now that my sore tooth is gone and knowing that it won't cause me any future problems.  Thanks Dr. Kim!
