Our clinic lovebird Mo. |
Most diets that are sold for birds are seed based, which birds love! However, seeds are the equivalent of junk food, which is why birds love seed so much and if consumed in excess can cause serious health issues. Seeds and nuts are deficient in vitamin A, calcium, minerals, and certain kinds of amino acids birds need to live long, healthy lives. Nutritional deficits can cause dull feathers, dry skin, an over-grown beak and nails, sneezing, abnormal stool, weight concerns, and a number of other serious health concerns.
The best way to make sure you are feeding your bird a diet that is nutritionally balanced is to feed a diet that has been analyzed by an avian nutritionist. By doing so, you are ensuring the diet provides the proper balance of nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. At Kingsbrook Animal Hospital, we recommend the Harrison’s Bird Diets because we know that it is a good, formulated diet that will provide what your bird needs. Feeding your bird a nutritionally complete diet will ensure your bird lives a long, healthful life.